Diamond Realm Mandala

Kongōkai Mandala 金剛界曼荼羅こんごうかいまんだら

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The Mandala as Journey

Traditionally, there are two ways that the Diamond Realm Mandala is observed. Each of these can be understood as a journey through the various sections, or assemblies, that make up the entire mandala.

In the first and more common "route," the observer begins with the central section, the "Perfected Body Assembly" and then moves down and then clockwise through the remaining sections.

animated GIF showing the prescribed movement through the sections of the mandala
Animation showing the most common "route" through the mandala


This movement takes the observed from the source of truth through its several manifestations following the path of Buddhist teachings.

The second "route" begins in the lower right Gosanze Sammaya-e and proceeds counterclockwise to the Sammaya-e after which it reaches the central Perfected Body Assembly.